The lochs of Orkney can provide some of the most spectacular wild brown
trout fishing inthe
country and with each loch providing a unique venue in both character and
scenic splendour, the angler can at times be spoiled for choice. This guide
is designed to assist the visiting angler who has or is intending to join
the Orkney Trout Fishing Association and gives a basic outline of most of
the mainland, North and South Isles lochs, boat hire, successful fly patterns
etc. The trout fishing in Orkney can be challenging but for those who are
prepared to put in the effort and read the signs, the rewards can be memorable
All Local and visiting anglers are reminded that NO overnight camping is permited on any of the OTFA sites.
The peat stained waters of Swannay, the most northerly of the mainland lochs, hold some of the highest quality trout in the county, but it is probably the most enigmatic of lochs with long periods of inactivity making it very dour, but on its day it can provide spectacular sport.
earlier part of the season gives the best chance of finding Swannay fish
feeding and while fish can be taken on a floating line, the use of a sinking
line in various densities on the day will vastly increase your chances.
Mid to late season is generally regarded as the time for dry fly tactics
but the sport largely depends on the appearance of wind blown terrestrials
like the Daddy, Cow Dung, and the Heather Fly. Wading can be productive
but not widely practiced due to the difficulty in staying upright, the stones
and rocks underfoot are extremely slippery. For best results boat fishing
is recommended but be warned there are many shallow skerries on Swannay
that are invisible due to the water colour so extreme caution is recommended
while motoring.
The Swannay fish enjoy a varied diet including -shrimp, snails, daphnia,
sticklebacks, midge, caenis, sedge, and terrestrials including cowdungs,
daddies, and heather flies.
Boat Hire: Mr. Breck, Belmont Cottage, Swannay, 01856721281
Wet: - Zulu, Dabblers in various hues especially claret and olive, Bibio,
Sooty Olive, Stick Fly, Green Peter, Bumbles, Petersens Pennel, Palmered
March Brown, Kate Mclaren.
Mini Lure: - Ace of Spades, Naked Spur, Montana, Xmas Tree, Black and White cats, JC
Viva, Dunkeld.
Dries: -Hedgehogs and Halfhogs especially orange, olive, Bibio, Hoppers
especially Bibio, fiery brown, olive, Daddies, Shipmans.
Boardhouse tends to be the visiting anglers preferred loch due mainly
to the fact that it is virtually skerry free and fish can be taken all over
with long drifts across the middle of the loch often being the most productive.
Wading can be successful at times, usually early season
when fish are more likely to be feeding on the stones. With Daphnia being
a major food item for the Boardhouse trout, the angler must tailor his tactics
to suit the conditions.
Although the fish can be found feeding right in the surface layers in overcast
conditions calling for a floating or intermediate lines, in brighter conditions
the daphnia recede to the depths and this requires a change to a higher
density line to locate the feeding trout. June can bring prolific hatches
of olives and midge which usually brings with it surface feeding activity,
other important food items include shrimp, snails, caenis, cowdungs and
daddies. The trout in the loch tend to average about 11- 14 oz. with a two-pounder
worthy of note. Weed growth from mid summer onwards can reduce fishable
areas but it seldom causes a problem
Recently we have been receiving a number of enquiries regarding boat hire
on the Orkney Lochs. Over the past few seasons the number of local land
owners making boat hire available has decreased probably due to the rising
costs involved in offering this service.
Local OTFA members in general do not hire out their own boats, engines and
equipment but a few local anglers offer a ghillie service with boats and
motors on all the lochs but again do not advertise and rely on word of mouth.
The aforementioned if by far your safest option and should guarantee excellent
boats, motors and fishing – but comes at a price.
If you would like to email he can put you in touch with a local ghillie
To our knowledge the following are at present hiring boats on our lochs:
Harray Loch:
Merkister Hotel, telephone: 01856 771366
Billy Hay, Castlehill, KW17 2LZ : Mobile
Barony Hotel, telephone 01856 721327
Mr R Breck, telephone: 01856 721281
Wet: -Zulu’s in blue and black, Dabblers, Bumbles, Doobry, Peterson's Pennell, Hutch’s Pennel, Cormorants, Clan Chief, Bibio, Silver Invicta,
Butchers, Bruiser.
Mini lures: - Black and White cats, Viva, Xmas Tree, Crafty Devil, Orange
Blobby, Doobry Muddler, Dunkeld,
Dries: -Hedgehogs and Halfhogs especially in claret, orange, olive and Bibio,
Foreman’s favourite, hoppers, emergers, Daddies and Shipmans.
Hundland provides the main catchment area for water supplied to Boardhouse
and is as such regarded as its sister loch with wide similarities. The water
is peat stained to a degree and the loch abounds with hidden skerries, which
can be difficult to spot, so caution is advised. The general shallow depth
makes it very affected by fishing pressure with a
large amount of boats liable to reduce the chances of some good sport. For
a brown water loch, Hundland can at times fish very well in bright sunshine,
something to bear in mind if sport is slow elsewhere. Wading the skerries
can be productive but it is best tackled from a boat.
Tactics for Hundland are much akin to Boardhouse with the floating lines
being the first line of attack, prolific weed growth all but rules out sinking
lines. Flies tend to be of a more traditional nature due to the fish responding
to wind blown terrestrials like cowdungs and daddies.
Boat Hire
Jim Sinclair, telephone 01856 771257
Wets: -Zulu’s, Dabblers, Bumbles, Muddlers especially Doobry, Green
Peter and Hares Ear, Connemara black, Petersens Pennel, Hutch’s Pennel,
Aberdeen Angus, Stick fly, Bruiser, Bibio, Kate Mclaren and Clan Chief.
Mini lures: -JC Viva, Black and White cats, Ace of Spades, Wormfly and Dunkeld.
Dries: - Hedgehogs, Halfhogs, Hoppers, Dung flies, Daddies and Shipmans.
Stenness is the least fished of the main Orkney lochs probably because
it is most difficult to come to terms with. Its unique semi-marine environment
dictates that it is very much affected by the state and height of the tides,
causing wide fluctuations in water height and salinity in the loch, both
of which have a marked affect on the resident trout population. Most regular
Stenness anglers tend to fish it from the shore and when the loch is at
its lowest. Due to the fact that there are virtually no offshore skerries
and the fish tend to feed in very shallow water, wading can be very good
especially in the expansive shallows of Deepdale, Voy and Brodgar. A floating
or intermediate line is all that is required and make sure you fish right
up to the buttercups as the fish will sometimes be feeding in their own
depth of water. Sticklebacks, possum shrimp, snails, corophium and shrimp
are top of the trout’s menu and flies to represent these can be good
but Stenness trout seem to respond to more outlandish, fluorescent, gaudy
patterns maybe more at home on a southern reservoir. The trout can range
from the 8-10 oz average to the “Holy Grail” in Orkney angling,
the 4lb plus yellowbelly. At times, usually following high tides, sea trout
in the 1-2lb category can add spice to the day.
Boat Hire:
Stenness Hotel, (01856850449
Wets: - Orange Zulu, Red Zulu, Silver Cardinal, Claret/Orange Palmer, Soldier
Palmer, Anorexic Ordie
Lures: - Colin's Killer, Pearly Peter Ross, Orange Blobby, and Lifeguard.
Dries: - Olive Hedgehog, Black Hopper, and Cowdung
Harray is widely regarded as the jewel in the Orkney trout fishing crown
and the most famous fishery. The loch extends to over 2500 acres and features
large areas of productive skerries, shallows, bays and points, and with
over 14 miles of shoreline it is probably Orkney's
most popular wading lochs, especially in the earlier part of the season.
As the season progresses and the water temperature increases then the fish
move out into deeper, cooler water, when boat fishing comes into its own.
The hard fighting Harray trout average is between 10-12ozs. but fish in
the 1-2lb range are not that rare. Tactics for fishing Harray are wide and
varied and can change very quickly with the trout changing their feeding
habits to capitalise on the most prolific food item of that particular day
and no two days are the same. The food items most important and most likely
to encourage the trout to feed avidly are the chironomid (midge, buzzer),
caenis, cowdung, daphnia, olive and snails. Of these, the midge can provide
the most spectacular rises of fish and the best chance of the basket of
a lifetime.
During these periods fish can be taken in large numbers so please
show due restraint. While fishing shallow water a floating line is all that’s
required and this coupled with a team of flies which suitably match the
hatch should ensure good sport. Deep water drifts in high summer for Daphnia
feeding fish can provide some tremendous sport once the shoals of fish have
been located. A sinking line of some sort can increase your chances, as
can some mini-lures in various colours. Finally, a word of warning, On Harray,
the very shallow water is not confined to the shorelines, some bays are
strewn with skerries which will cause serious damage to both boat and outboard,
so give them due respect.
Boat Hire:The Merkister Hotel, Harray, 018567713660
Wets: - Connemara Black, Ke-He, Hutch’s Pennel, Loch Ordie, Green
Peter, Pearly Wickhams, Muddlers, Butchers, PTN, Crafty Devil, Cormorants,
Petersens Pennel, Dabblers, Bumbles, Sooty Olive, Snatchers.
Lures: - Black, White, and Olive cats, Viva, Green tagged Loch Ordie, Dunkeld,
Ace of Spades, Bugs Bunny, Xmas Tree, Norsky Lad, Merkister Maid.
Dries: - Hedgehogs, Halfhogs, Shipmans, Suspender Buzzers, Hoppers, F-Fly,
Shuttlecock, and Big Daddy.
This is trophy water and the fishing is reserved for OTFA members only.
The fish average over 2lb, in fact the rules of the water say that you should
return anything under this weight and only keep 2 fish per session in an
attempt to conserve stocks.
Wets: - In large sizes, Soldier Palmer, Wickhams, Silver Muddler.
This very small water which lies between Skaill and Harray can also be regarded
as capable of producing specimens fish under 2lb should be returned to achieve
their full potential weight.
One reason for the rapid growth rates of the trout in Clumly is the vast
amount of Corixa and Sticklebacks therein and the choice of fly pattern
should reflect this. The loch cannot withstand heavy fishing pressure and
as the season progresses the fish become increasingly difficult to locate
and it is generally felt that they take refuge in the large weed beds and
are therefore uncatchable.
Wets; - Gold Muddler, Peach Muddler, Palmered March Brown, Coch Zulu, Silver
Invicta, Gold Invicta.
Dries: - Hoppers, Emergers, and Halfhogs.
Kirbister is full of free rising trout, which tend to be of a smaller average
size than most other Orkney lochs. This could be likened more to a highland
hill loch and the successful flies would certainly compound this fact with
big, bushy, surface disturbing patterns being the order of the day.
It is regarded as a splendid loch for those new to the sport and is very
popular with junior anglers due to the fact that the trout are so responsive
in even the most unsuitable conditions. Wading is easy and large baskets
can be taken from the first day of the season to the last.
Wets: - Loch Ordie, Bumbles, Muddlers, Dabblers and Zulu’s.
Dries: - Hedgehogs, Daddies, and Shipmans.
The Association embarked on a policy to attempt to stock most of the trout
free lochs of the North Isles of Sandy, Stronsay, and Westray starting back
in 1989 and these along with subsequent stockings have proved successful
with trophy fish now having been taken from most of the waters stocked.
The lochs are Meikle Water in Stronsay, Burness and Saintear in Westray,
and North, Roos and Bea in Sanday. Of these, North and Bea in Sanday are
the most prolific with some incredible specimens caught each season, with
the chance of a fish a lifetime a distinct possibility, but one thing it
is not is easy fishing, with the chance of a good fish only coming now and
again, you just have to put the time in to increase the chances. All the
above lochs are prone to algae blooms and colour quickly during periods
of high winds, this and bright sunshine can curtail the fishing, but early
morning and late evening forays can greatly increase the odds on success.
The regular anglers who have most success on these lochs say that you have
to fish a big fly to catch a big fish so do not stint on size, palmer's
tied on a long shank 8 hook can do the trick. Top of the list on the trout’s
food list is the stickleback, Corixa, and shrimp. Care should be taken while
wading these lochs are there are some soft muddy holes which can make it
very dangerous.
Wets: - Pottingers Palmer, Black IPN, Hummungus, Dunkeld, Orange Palmer,
Prairie Dog, all in larger sizes.
Heldale Water in South Hoy is completely different to all the other lochs
in Orkney because of its great depth, up to fifty feet in parts. It also
came under the OTFA stocking policy only recently and is now starting to
produce quality fish but it is largely under fished due to its location
and high sloping banks which make wading downright impossible on most of
the loch. This large brown water loch responds best to big bushy patterns,
typical for a loch which depends for most on wind blown terrestrials, and
with Arctic Char being reintroduced in autumn 2002, the future for this
loch could be very interesting. There are no boats for hire at this loch.
Hoglinns Loch, which feeds Heldale, is thought to be devoid of fish and
the Sandy loch in North Hoy does not hold many.
Wets: - Zulu’s, Palmer's, Invicta family, Dunkeld, Loch Ordie.
Need A Local Ghillie?
If you would like to emai Jim Adams, direct he can put you in touch with a local ghillie